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Saturday, March 14, 2009 

Why Are Gas Prices So High? The Answer

It seems like almost every day the price of gas is rising. More and more of us are having to limit our driving and count our pennies. When oil hit a $100 per barrel we knew we were in for some hard times, but now that it has passed $126 per barrel things are becoming very worrisome. The way things are, it is becoming necessary to ask one important question, why are gas prices so high?


One of the biggest reasons is demand. As more and more countries begin to flourish, more and more oil is necessary. There are nearly six and half Billion people on this planet and many of them are driving cars. Vehicles and industry consume roughly an Olympic swimming pool of oil every 15 seconds.


Inflation happens when there is too much currency in the public. At the moment there is roughly 15 trillion dollars of currency in the United States. The dollar is worth approximately 2 cents of its original value in 1913. Since the united states currency is not based on gold anymore, the dollar is based on faith and nothing else. This is the reason for the current state of the economy and we are feeling it. Our dollar is not worth as much gas as it used to be.


The biggest reason that gas prices are so high is really very simple. We depend on it. Even the idea of switching to something else, like a hybrid or other conversion, has not really been popular until the last decade or so. The problem with a hybrid, of course, is that many of us cannot afford the several thousand dollars to get one. Ethanol and other alternative fuels are a good idea but the industry is not there to sustain us Now.

There is something else we depend on, and it might just help lower our dependency on oil. We need this thing, without it we would perish. Water. Roughly 70% of the earths surface is covered in water and, if we could find a way to use it as fuel, we would have all the energy we need.

The good news is that we have found a way. The technology to run a vehicle on saltwater has been found and is being perfected. Using radio-waves, it is possible to ignite saltwater and it burns at 1500 degrees centigrade. Amazing! Free fuel!

Fortunately, while we wait for this earth changing invention to come into the market, we have an option to prepare us. Although it is not yet possible to drive on 100% water, it is already possible to use it for half of your mileage. This conversion is becoming very popular right now. The conversion itself is cheap and easy to do yourself and guarantees 50-60% more mileage.

So, why are gas prices so high? Because we only use gas and ignore our other options.

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